Annual Awards

Submit your nomination today for the 2024 NREDA Awards Recognition Program!  In recognition of outstanding leadership in the field of rural economic development, the National Rural Economic Developers Association honors deserving individuals across America.  2024 awards recognition will be presented in conjunction with the NREDA Annual Conference November 13-15 in Omaha!


NREDA Rural Economic Development Leadership Award

Do you know someone who should be recognized for his or her outstanding leadership in the field of rural economic development? If so, the National Rural Economic Developers Association (NREDA) seeks to honor deserving individuals for that purpose with their Rural Economic Development Leadership Awards program. 

In recognition of outstanding leadership in the field of rural economic development, the National Rural Economic Developers Association (NREDA) seeks to honor deserving individuals across America. Nominees may be economic development professionals or rural electric cooperative/rural telephone staff or board members. Nominees are those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in an economic development project resulting in the improvement of the quality of life, creation of new jobs, and opportunity for growth and development in rural America.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Attraction, retention, or expansion of business
  • Development of unique partnerships to enhance the economic vitality of an area such as the establishment of new economic development organization; development of business incubator or entrepreneur program; participation in revolving loan fund or development of an industrial park or speculative building; new housing initiative (new construction or renovation); development of a marketing program; tourism development; and legislative initiatives.

 CLICK HERE to submit your nomination by August 8th


NREDA Organization Excellence Award

The Organization Excellence Award is designed to recognize utility/economic development organizations or associations/government entities that have implemented a successful rural economic development program for their area. Focus will be on the success of communicating the program, improvements to the business climate, and measurable results and outcomes.

NREDA President's Award

The President's Award recognizes an individual's dedication and leadership to Rural America and the National Rural Economic Developers Association, as evidenced by a commitment of unending time, talent and expertise, and a vision for rural economic growth. This Award is selected by the current NREDA President and can be presented to multiple recipients within a given year.