Rural Issues
The NREDA Rural Issues Committee is responsible for monitoring federal legislation that may have an impact on economic development in rural America. The Committee will keep the Board apprised of this legislation. This monitoring will include developing and maintaining relationships with the legislative staffs of affiliated organizations such as NTCA, NRTC, NRECA, NADO and CFC.
How To be a Legislative Advocate
The NREDA Rural Issues Committee is happy to provide NREDA Members with this user-friendly, how-to guide entitled, How to be a Legislative Advocate. The Committee has taken what can be an intimidating process and broken it down for you step by step. We hope you find it a useful tool. The NREDA Rural Issues Committee is responsible for monitoring federal legislation that may have an impact on economic development in rural America and keep the Board apprised of this legislation. This monitoring will include developing and maintaining relationships with the legislative staffs of affiliated organizations such as NTCA, NRTC, NRECA, NADO and CFC. The Committee has developed an issues paper that defines key areas of recognition or support for rural development.